KAREN BEARDSLEY "A soprano with a voice that seems to laugh at difficulties"
-The New York Times
"An imaginative actress with a voice that seems to laugh at difficulties " -The New York Times

KAREN BEARDSLEY'S extraordinary career has taken her around the globe...
singing leading roles in opera houses 280 days a year for over 15 years. From Los Angeles to the Paris Chatelet, Taiwan to the National Theatre in London, Santa Fe to Chicago, Amsterdam to Boston, Edmonton to Minneapolis, Lille and Nancy, France to Glyndebourne, Singapore to the New York City, opera, New York, Philharmonic, and Carnegie Hall, it was her absolute pleasure to sing with prestigious, colleagues and conductors including Andre Previn, Zubin Mehta, Pinchas Zuckerman, Eduardo Muller, Claudio Bernini, Lukas Foss and Oliver Knussen.
After her children were born, she joined the precollege faculty at Manhattan School of Music where she taught for 17 years. She and her husband Maitland Peters, then chairman of the Manhattan School of Music college voice department created an endowed scholarship in their name to provide the ongoing opportunity to study in the pre-college division at Manhattan School of Music At the same time, she established a private studio in Tenafly, New Jersey with over 40 students whom she mentored and prepared for high school and college auditions, quarterly recitals, and monthly performance classes. She taught for over 30 years and it was as rewarding as her performing career!

Karen Beardsley created the role of "Max" in Maurice Sendak and Oliver Knussen's fantasy opera "Where The Wild Things Are'" in 1985 at the Glyndbourne Festival in England. She then sang over 500 performances at the National Theatre in London, the American premiere with Minnesota Opera (Conductor: Pinchas Zuckerman), Chicago, Kansas City Opera, Los Angeles Opera and finally in New York at the New York City Opera and with the New York Philharmonic (Conductor: Zubin Mehta). It was then filmed by BBC TV and released on DVD by Teldec. She worked closely with Maurice Sendak, Frank Corsaro and Oliver Knussen and treasures the friendships they made over the years.

My most amazing roles ever were being Preston and Olympia's mom and of course being married to Maitland Peters!azing role

Now retired, we are traveling the world and enjoying our incredible life together.